Inkquiry Visuals adds value

Because most of us are visual learners,
linking what’s being said to visuals activates our brains
in a way that involves us more deeply in discussions,
excites us into fuller participation in groups,
and lets us literally "see what we mean."

Engagement, solutions, consensus, retention.


Hand-drawn, grand scale and real-time, graphic recording is a
great catalyst for heightening comprehension, enriching group activity and generating new ideas, not to mention boosting trust among participants and driving toward solutions!
This leads to deeper discovery, collaboration, and
concrete solutions for you and your team.

Smart City brainstorming in Fairfax, Virginia

Smart City brainstorming in Fairfax, Virginia

For workshopping, brainstorming, strategizing, planning…

City of Baltimore Design Jam: multi-neighborhood strategy session

City of Baltimore Design Jam: multi-neighborhood strategy session

Connect and Propel Tampa: City-wide Appreciative Inquiry workshop

Connect and Propel Tampa: City-wide Appreciative Inquiry workshop

Montgomery County Planning: future planning session

Montgomery County Planning: future planning session

Association of Children’s Museums workshop

Association of Children’s Museums workshop

Museums for All 3 copy.jpg

conferences, keynotes and seminars…



Opening plenary

Opening plenary

…or any form of creative conversation in person or remote,

Telephone interview

Telephone interview



graphic recording by the Inkquiry Visuals team is colorful, witty, and insightful, and a conceptually rich and welcome addition. 

Power to the pictures!